About Us

Vision Statement
LASEG as an institution, expects to see a new Liberia in the year 2034. A Liberia where there will be adequate food sufficiency through local farm production; being mindful and cognizant of the fact that for more than 150 years of its existence, Liberia has relied on the Importation of its staple food (rice) from foreign nations. This has created a political and economic imbalance. For instance, the rice riot of 1979, and the 25 years of civil conflict, have had dangerous consequences on the socioeconomic development of the country. Based on the just mentioned, massive farm production in rice and other crops would make a tremendous contribution in alleviating the many troubles and confusion that come along with the acute food shortages and spontaneous increment in the price of rice and other food items on the market.
Next, we intend to see the strongest task force enforcing the laws on littering and dumping garbage on public and private properties. LASEG envisages working with the government in imposing fines and imprisonment penalties on violators to keep the country clean like other environments, such as Kigali, Lawanda, Gaborone, and Botswana, just to name a few. Before the year 2034, we expect Liberian cities to be very clean, dirt-free, and voided of mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches, and other dangerous insects that create haphazard for the Liberian people. Lastly, in the next 10 years, we intend to see an ecological transformation in Liberia. We intend to work with partners in containing the abuse of the forest laws of Liberia by adopting new measures that hold violators liable through court actions. LASEG will work with its international, local, and governmental partners
Interestingly, as Liberia undergoes massive deforestation at the extreme of illicit loggers who are currently bent on pillaging our forest resources, we will work with our partners in undertaking initiatives that will lead to the reforestation of our depleted forest. This is important as it serves to support the fight against global warming and climate change. We intend to collaborate with relevant local and governmental partners in putting in place measures that would safeguard the wildlife of our environment.
Our Mission
Our mission is to cultivate an impeccable living condition that encapsulates three basic strata of the Liberian society. First, our utmost objective is to create a culture that will make Liberia a highly driven hygienic, and dirt-free society through the enforcement of municipal laws and ordinances that support the theory of serenity and cleanliness of the environment. In hindsight, little or nothing has been done to prevent littering, whether on public or private properties. Our mission is to work with the relevant government authorities to create an enabling environment through the enactment of laws that will make such acts punishable by fines and imprisonment. Second, as a nongovernmental organization, LASAG will endeavor to venture into agriculture and food production.
Over the years, it has been established that food security is very cardinal in the preservation of peace and national security. Considering the above mentioned, LASEG will governmental, local, and international organizations in providing training opportunities and farming implements for local farmers. Next, LASEG intends to embark on food and cash crop production as a means of aiding the government in alleviating the high cost of imported rice. LASEG aspires to engage in mechanized farming that will not only curtail the high cost of purchasing rice but will provide employment opportunities for thousands of Liberians who are yarning for income. Third, LASEG will partner with local and international environmental groups involved in creating awareness of climate change, environmental pollution, and the dangerous consequences of plastic waste in Liberia shortly.
Over the years, intruders have invaded the foreign sector of Liberia in concert with some government authorities bent on pillaging our forest resources with the intent of creating a environment haphazard. As an institution, LASEG will partner with relevant authorities in reporting institutions or organizations bent on wrongfully harvesting the Liberian people’s reforest resources to its partners for prompt action.